Our Values - What we look for in an Influxian
| Daniel Anandaraj Garnipudi | - @dodosamuel
The other day, Harish and I were talking to a new associate who had joined us recently. We got around to discussing the values we see as important in an Influxian. With our strategic plans taking shape, I thought I would pen them down for the world to see!
If you feel you relate to these, what are you waiting for? Read this - Influx Insider I — Want a bus ticket to success? and email us on careers@influx.co.in. Let’s see if we can find you a spot here with us.
There are many values that we consider important at Influx and, in no specific order, I have listed the most important ones here.
Understanding the needs of the clients and being creative in the digital space is what we strive for. This is the key Influx differentiator when we work with clients. There are many organisations that could build websites and apps, and do...