Frankly Speakin’ Fridays: Get your Speech on!


In our efforts to make work fun and informative, Influx announces Frankly Speakin’ Fridays - a property that gets everyone together on Friday evening, an hour before close of business for the week, to listen to an eminent personality address them on any chosen topic. Alternately, some weeks could see the team discuss and debate topics amongst themselves or one of the team members address everyone else, on their chosen area of expertise.

The property launched on 13th June, 2014 with the first session titled ‘Grow my money, honey!“ with more such planned.

FSF is followed by the FEM Club movie of the week.


Now read this

10 tips for smart body language at work

| Vaidehi Mehta | - @mehta_vaidehi Many moons ago, I picked up a book titled Manwatching from a street vendor in Kolkata (then Calcutta). That was the first time I had read about body language, and have since been completely fascinated... Continue →